Key Largo to Key West Cycle Challenge and Relay Race
October 8th, 2016

The Key Largo to Key West Cycle Challenge is a 92 mile Relay race form Key Largo to Key West along the Heritage Trail . There is no set milage for each cyclist to ride. The SLAP BAND can be passed to another team mate at any time and as often as you like during the race. We encourage each team to follow their rider and be close in case of flats or breakdowns. This makes this race, one of strategy , speed and how you handle flat changing and breakdowns.
For example : rider A has a flat , rider B, C or D can jump out of your support vehicle and grab the baton and continue on for your team. Or do you hand off a new bike to rider A and fix his bike? How you handle the miles each cyclist rides is up to you. The only rules are each rider must cycle at least 5 miles. Are you going to change riders every 5, 10 or 20 Miles ? Do you pull weak riders off the coarse and replace them with the strong? It's totally up to you.
First place in each category will be showered with gifts and prizes. Second place will receive a pat on the back from Mark Terrill (race organizer).
YOU ARE YOUR TEAMS SUPPORT. Mechanics will be provided only at every check point. We will also have a sweeper vehicle in case of breakdowns for the solo riders , but it will be first come first serve . DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES?
Solo (mens and women ) - 2 Person Team (mens -women, mixed)- 4 Person Team ( mens and women's )(mixed teams must be evenly split) (3 men and 1 women will be considered mens division) There is also a Military bracket for all divisions.
All teams and solo riders must have their own support vehicles. YOU are permitted to exchange riders at anytime during race. Crew members may help change flats, conduct repairs, exchange bikes or switch cyclists in case of break downs.
START : The course begins at Key Largo Bike and Adventure Tours shop located at 90775 Old Highway, Tavernier Fl 33070.
FINISH: Higgs Beach Key West, Salute Restaurant
1000 Atlantic Blvd Key West 33040

Cyclists will have the choice of using the shoulder of the road or use the Overseas Heritage Trail or a combination of both. Cyclists must obey all traffic laws.
Cyclists will be released in waves starting at 7:30 AM and ride southbound starting at the 92 mile marker. All cyclists will have to check in at two transition locations before arriving in Key West.
Cyclists will be issued color coded wristbands at all transition check in locations as proof of compliance.
All Cyclists will be required to wear helmets.
Transition check in and finish line
Transition Check in #1- Grassy Key Outpost Mile Marker 58 on the Ocean Side-58152 Overseas Highway.

Transition Check in #2- Baby's Coffee 15 mile marker

All participants will receive t-shirt, medals and complimentary beer after race.
Pre race meeting and packet pick up before race at Bike shop located at 90775 Old Highway, Tavernier FL 33070
Pre Race Meeting 6:00 AM , morning of the race.
2 Person- $200
3/4 Person-$250
Click Below to register for race

Sizes small, medium, large and XLarge.
Free shipping.